News & Events
ETH Zurich launches new study programme "Master of Science in Quantum Engineering"
The Departments of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology and of Physics at ETH Zurich launch their new study programme “Master of Science in Quantum Engineering” in Autumn 2019. With this programme, the departments respond to the growing demand of quantum engineers with both a solid training in electrical engineering and quantum science.
ETHZ visit of HUJI & Weizmann
Nov 20-23 2016 Members of the Quantum Science and Technology community of ETHZ will visit the Quantum Information Science Center of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) and the Weizmann Institute
European Union plans billion-euro quantum technologies flagship project
A new 1 billion Euro project has been announced by the European Commission aimed at developing quantum technologies over the next 10 years and placing Europe at the forefront of “the second quantum revolution.”
ETH Globe article on Michael Kohn and his engangement for Quantum Engineering

ETH alumnus Michael Kohn keenly recounts how even in retirement it’s never too late to engage in something new – in his case quantum engineering. Not too long ago, former ETH President Ralph Eichler told him about a new ETH initiative aimed at translating the findings of quantum science into technical applications. As an energy specialist and impassioned engineer, Kohn was immediately keen.
IDEA League Quantum Schools
Sept 7-11 2015 The final one of four week-long graduate schools in quantum information processing takes place at ETH Zurich. More information can be found
Dr. Michael Kohn supports Quantum Technology
The Michael Kohn Foundation supports the Quantum Engineering Initiative. Dr. Michael Kohn is an Alumnus of ETH Zurich. With his financial contribution Dr. Kohn returns some of his professional success by supporting the further development of ETH Zurich and its students.